To witness the intimate and life-changing love of God, which draws all young people into Eucharistic Communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the Catholic Church with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her most chaste spouse, St. Joseph.
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Make sure that you receive our 6-12th grade news, reminders, and important messages by signing up to receive our Flocknotes. Be sure to join the St. Mary Youth Ministry Flocknote list through the Flocknote Icon!
2024-2025 EDGE and Confirmation Prep Registration
Our new online registration platform will allow you to register and pay for all students in grades 6-12 on one form! The form includes all of our program offerings, but you only need to choose the option that applies to your student(s). Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Confirmation EDGE
- EDGE is for all students entering 6-8th grade this fall. It's $55 for the year.
- Confirmation Prep is for all students entering 9-12th grade who have not yet received the sacrament. It is $150 for the year.
- For those who have not received baptism, first reconciliation, and/or first holy Communion, additional classes are offered in the spring of 2024. These are required to receive the sacrament of confirmation.
- Your family MUST be registered members of St. Mary to enroll in our programs. Call the main church office to inquire at (847) 669-3137.
- For more program details such as dates, required forms, and other important details, please click the links at the bottom of the page that corresponds to your child's program.
Confirmation EDGE
Click below for detailed information of our programs.

EDGE is our combined religious education and youth ministry program for all students entering
grades 6-8 this fall. Click the image for more dates and details.
grades 6-8 this fall. Click the image for more dates and details.

LifeTeen is our high school youth ministry program for all students entering
grades 9-12 this fall. Sacramental prep is not required. This is an opportunity for high school
teens to grow in community and faith. Click the image for more dates and details.
grades 9-12 this fall. Sacramental prep is not required. This is an opportunity for high school
teens to grow in community and faith. Click the image for more dates and details.

Confirmation Prep is geared toward students entering grades 9-12 this fall. Baptism, first
reconciliation, and first holy Communion are prerequisites. Additional classes
are offered in the spring to make those sacraments before being confirmed. Click the image for
more dates and details.
reconciliation, and first holy Communion are prerequisites. Additional classes
are offered in the spring to make those sacraments before being confirmed. Click the image for
more dates and details.