Need to fill out your Safe Environment Paperwork to volunteer at St. Mary?
Contact Site Administrator, Amy Eggers, via email ([email protected]) for the password to create an online account.
Thank you for your commitment to helping protect the children of our parish and community!
Contact Site Administrator, Amy Eggers, via email ([email protected]) for the password to create an online account.
Thank you for your commitment to helping protect the children of our parish and community!
Registration Instructions
Diocese of Rockford - Volunteers
NEW VOLUNTEERS: Before completing Protecting God’s Children training online, all participants must first register with VIRTUS Online.
- & click on First Time Registrant & select Rockford from the drop down list.
- Please enter the password: (Call the Office to get the password ) - Click Continue
- Create a user ID and a password you can easily remember- Click Continue
- Provide all the information requested on the screen. All required are marked with a *. Click Continue.
- Select the PRIMARY location St. Mary Huntley by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the location. Click Continue to proceed.
- Select the role(s) that you serve within your parish, Volunteer
- Additionally, enter your title or position of service Religious Ed Catechist, Youth Ministry, Eucharistic Minister, Home Bound Minister, Usher, Lector, etc. Click Continue.
- Your location is displayed. Select NO is this is your only parish or repeat steps above to add add’l locations.
Please review documents and respond:
- Technology & Social Media Guidelines
- Code of Pastoral Conduct
- Sexual Misconduct Norms
- Criminal History Information Response Process
- Mandated Reporter Form
- Guidelines for Youth & Those Working with Youth
No need to print out anything, your response is recorded automatically. (over)
Protecting God’s Children
Please answer the question, ‘Have you already attended a VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Session?’ Click Yes or No to proceed.
If you chose NO during the previous step, you will be presented with a list of upcoming VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children instructor-led sessions scheduled or online training for the Diocese of Rockford.
When you find the session training you wish to attend, click the circle -- and then click Complete Registration.
(If you chose YES during the previous step, you will be presented with a list of all instructor led VIRTUS sessions conducted in the Diocese of Rockford. Choose the session you attended by clicking the downward arrow and highlighting the session -- then click Complete Registration.)
If you chose online training, please click on the green circle to begin the Online Training
Upon completion, the last screen will allow you to print a certificate, and you will always have the ability to log back into your account and access the certificate.
After you attend an instructor-led session or complete the online training, you will soon receive an email of approval.
If you have additional questions about VIRTUS Online training, the VIRTUS Help Desk at 1-888-847-8870.
- & Enter your existing User ID and Password to sign in. If you do not know your User ID or Password, please call Amy at the Parish Office 847-669-3137 or email [email protected] to get your ID and reset your Password.
- On the Home Page you will see green boxes, the Required Documents box will show you if you are current or what documents you need to review and confirm.
Site Administrator - Amy Eggers
[email protected]